What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is unwanted comments, gestures or actions of a sexual nature, where the victim feels humiliated, threatened or uncomfortable. It can involve (non)verbal behaviour and physical contact. Unfortunately, sexual harassment and sexually transgressive behaviour is common in the workplace. It can be between colleagues, but also between employers and employees and between employees and their customers. Recent research by the Volkskrant shows that 134,000 people experience sexual harassment at work every year. Over 20% of these are women between the ages of 15 and 25. It is possible that the actual figure is even higher, as it is often difficult for victims to speak out about it. The consequences of sexual harassment at work are very serious for the victim. It causes a lot of stress and anxiety, but it also often creates a sense of shame or guilt. Sometimes perpetrators make victims feel that they have given them cause to proceed to sexual acts. If someone crosses your boundaries, it is never your fault. Sexual harassment is punishable and should not take place. The perpetrator should respect your boundaries.