
You are in the right place if you need help from a confidant. Do you feel you need urgent help? Contact emergency services here




Aggression and Violence


Sexual harassment

Lack of Integrity

Read here everything you need to know about unwanted behavior at work. In what way can we assist you?

  • Confidential conversations with professionals.
  • Stop unwanted behaviour.
  • You are in control.

What can you expect?

The conversation is confidential.
The conversation is confidential.
The confidant handles confidential information carefully and professionally. Information is only shared with your explicit permission.
You are in control.
You are in control.
In addition to the confidentiality of the conversations, you determine which information can be shared and what the next steps are. So, you are in control.
The confidant provides a listening ear.
The confidant provides a listening ear.
The external counselor provides initial support. We listen to your story and look for a solution together. A external counselor is not a coach, mediator or lawyer, but guides you through the process and refers you to the right people to help you.
The confidant thinks along with you.
The confidant thinks along with you.
The confidant handles confidential information carefully and professionally. Information is only shared with your explicit permission.
You discuss possible internal or external follow-up steps together and help you in the decision-making process.
You discuss possible internal or external follow-up steps together and help you in the decision-making process.
We guide you in possible follow-up steps. This can be within the company, for example, having a conversation with your manager, but also outside the company. For example, making a report to a complaints committee. The follow-up steps depend strongly on your report and your wishes.
If desired, we check in with the reporter after the process.
If desired, we check in with the reporter after the process.
If you have the need, we always contact you after the process. We check how you are doing now and whether something has indeed been done about the problem.


Read more information here on various topics


Intimidation is when someone influences your behavior by instilling fear, threatening negative consequences. Intimidation can occur physically when someone's 'comfort zone' is violated or threatened. One form of this is, for example, when someone literally corners you and verbally threatens you. Intimidation can also take a verbal form, such as extortion, manipulation, or when someone pressures you. Unfortunately, both forms of intimidation occur in the workplace.

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Bullying is a form of aggression that attempts to hurt someone repeatedly and intentionally. This can occur online and offline, physically and verbally. Various people are involved in bullying: the bully, the victim, and bystanders. The bully is usually not alone, but the victim is. Being bullied causes various mental problems such as stress, fear, loneliness, shame, and lack of self-confidence.

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Aggression and Violence

Agression and violence in the workplace take many forms. There is aggression and violence when an employee is physically or verbally harassed, threatened, or attacked. This can be caused by colleagues but also by third parties (such as a customer or client). Aggression and violence cause a lot of damage, to the victim and also to those involved. Distinctions are made between verbal, psychological, and physical aggression.

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The literal meaning of discrimination is 'making a distinction.' Discrimination is treating people unfairly and putting them at a disadvantage based on characteristics that are not relevant in a given situation. This distinction is often made based on race, gender, orientation, age, nationality, or religion. Discrimination also occurs in the workplace, in various forms. For example, when colleagues in the same position receive different salaries. Or when colleagues make hurtful jokes based on the aforementioned characteristics.

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Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment includes unwanted comments, gestures, or actions of a sexual nature that make the victim feel humiliated, threatened, or uncomfortable. This can involve (non)verbal behavior and physical contact. Unfortunately, sexual harassment and sexually inappropriate behavior often occur in the workplace. This can be between colleagues but also between employers and employees and between employees and their clients.

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Lack of Integrity

Acting with integrity at work means performing a role well and carefully, taking into account responsibilities and the prevailing norms and values within an organization. Integrity is a good personal quality, demonstrating that you are sincere and honest. In the business world, it means, for example, that you are not bribable and do not abuse power.

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Free Online Consultation

We organize free online consultations with confidants every week.
